John Reiman
Welcome to our Annual General Meeting for 2024 and thank you all for taking time out of your Sunday to attend.
I would like to firstly like to thank everyone in our community for their support and specifically everyone who contributed to our operations and the board members for their work during 2023 and 2024. It has once again been an eventful and busy year.
At a high level, our Society has grown our reach this year with word of mouth and social media. Some notable activities this year have been:
- The OI Society Conference was successfully held in Adelaide for the first year in 2024
- Brand new members were brought into the society and were welcomed by the OI community
This has been achieved with multiple new Board members to the role (including myself), all of whom volunteer their time in between many other responsibilities.
In addition to this, the board had the opportunity to get to know each other at the conference where members and other locally interested people (including medical professionals) were able to socialise and network whilst promoting the Society’s goals.
Board Updates
We only had one movement on the board this year, with Vice President Jade Cross stepping down from the board in June 2024.